The Question Box

Do you have a question about anything in the Bible?  Ask it at the The Question Box

Our Evangelist or a former Elder of our congregation will try their best to answer
your question by looking to the scriptures.

Not all questions have answers.  Some will have to wait until we meet God in heaven. 

Through questions comes learning -- for the one asking and the one answering.

Search Through Our Questions and Answers

Search Through Our Questions and Answers

Search Through Our Questions and Answers

Is it wrong in the eyesight of God for a woman to wear makeup and pants?

I am seeing a man whose wife left him simply because she was unhappy in the city where they were living.  They have been separated for two years now.  Knowing that divorce is wrong, he has tried to  get her to come back several times, but she refuses.  She has also stated that she is going forward with the divorce.  Will he be forever bound to that marriage?
Answer: There is no reference in the New Testament that condemns either of the items mentioned in your question.  Peter tells us that the conduct of the Christian woman should be". . .the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."  I Peter 3:4

In answer to your second question, which involves divorce and remarriage, Jesus addresses that issue in Matthew 19:1-9.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Can a person be forgiven for a sin not yet committed?  Specifically, can a person who prays for forgiveness be forgiven the act of suicide that follows?
Answer: My immediate response is, "No, absolutely not!"  What your question implies relates to the doctrine of "Indulgences" as practiced by the Catholic Church.  Canon law of the Catholic Church states, "Indulgences given to the living are granted in the form of absolution from temporal punishment due of sins already pardoned as to their guilt."

Nowhere in the Bible is this practiced mentioned or allowed. Furthermore, the very nature of repentance and forgiveness would not permit this heresy of conduct.  To plan a sin and ask for forgiveness before the act is committed is to laugh in the face of God and to abuse his grace.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Where in the Bible does it say "it is better to waste the seed in the belly of a whore than on the ground"?
Answer: The only passage in the Bible that relates to your inquiry is in Genesis 38:8-10. Even then it is a misinterpretation of the passage.  Onan's brother was killed and did not have an heir o succeed him. Therefore, Judah requested that Onan go into his brother's wife and give his brother an heir. Onan did not follow through and permitted his seed to fall on the ground. God was displeased with Onan and took his life.  Remember, whoredom is condemned in the Bible, but the marriage bed is undefiled.  Note: Hebrews 13:4

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I know the Old Testament addresses tattoos, please explain the Biblical view of tattoos and is there any references in the New Testament that addresses this subject, also include the piercing of the tongue and other body parts. (This is for young adults (ages 21-30)). 

Thank you for you time and service.

Answer: Your question is directed to the practice of tattoos and body piercing. You are asking if there are any references in the New Testament regarding this issue.

The Old Testament is clear as to the prohibition of tattoos and body piercing, but so is it in regard to shaving around the sides of the head and the disfiguring of the beard. (Leviticus 19:27.)

However, the New Testament does not mention tattoos and body piercing specifically.  But, it does mention certain principles which act as guidelines for Christian conduct.  Note the following references: I Corinthians 10:11 and I Corinthians 6:19-20  Whatever we do should be for the glory of God and our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Motive must be taken into consideration as well.  Anything we do out of rebellion to society or parents would be unacceptable to the Lord. Again, if we do these things out of vanity, it would not be glorifying God.

Our conduct before the world should be honorable and without offense. Note: I Peter 2:12; 3:3-4

Furthermore, we should not throw caution to the wind.  We should play it safe.  If in doubt, don't.    I cannot say with New Testament Scripture that the act of tattooing and piercing the body deserves a consignment in hell, but neither can I say it glorifies God.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

In God's eyes, is any one sin greater than the other and what do you base your answer on? Thank you!


In God's eyes a sin is a sin is a sin.   Paul spends considerable time in the Roman Epistle proving that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Paul declared in Romans 3:9 ". . . We have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin."

Jesus made a sweeping statement in Matthew 12:31 with respect to sin. He actually gave two declarations. First, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men. Second, there is an exception--it is when we assign the workings of the Holy Spirit to Satan himself.  Jesus said it is unforgivable.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

If God has a plan for each of us before we are even created, then why does he make people who will never hear about him (i.e. people in nomad tribes in Africa) who will never hear about Jesus, never accept Him, and never know the scriptures. How can God justify sending these people to Hell because they never accept Jesus as their saviour if it was God's plan all along?
Answer: Anne, there are several assumptions and false premises involving your question which must be identified. First, our God is not going to do anything unjustly, whether we understand the circumstances or situation.  Our God is a just God, full of mercy and compassion. He is the very essence of love.   Furthermore, we have no right to take on the act of judgment for anyone.  That is God's prerogative and responsibility. Whatever God does will be holy, just, and right.

Moreover, there is a statement found in Romans 1:20 that may have a bearing on your concerns. Paul wrote, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse."  He was speaking here of the Gentile world, that part of mankind that does not have access to the written Word.

We need not fret and worry about God's judgment on others. What we should be concerned with is his judgment on us.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I would like some biblical background that lays a foundation on how the members or trustees of the church should not make any decisions unless they have talked to the pastor first.
Answer: Your question concerns the relationship of the congregation's members or trustees and the pastor.

For the most part, the Protestant denominations (churches in general) have misused and abused the term "pastor."  In the New Testament, the terms, "pastor", "elder",  "bishop", and "shepherd", referred to the same office. Note: Acts 20:17,28 and I Timothy 3:2. Each congregation had a plurality of elders or pastors.  The minister or evangelist was responsible for preaching.

A good beginning place in the scriptures which deals with principles of conduct among the leaders and members of the congregation would be Romans 12:3-21. If these guidelines are followed, there should not be an unresolved conflict.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

My husband and I are trying to find out what the differences are between the denominations.  We would like to find a church "home" but are unsure where to start.  We are currently reading the Bible and are not sure of exactly what we are to look for in a church.  We are curious to know what the differences are in their practices and beliefs.  Thank you for your time.
Answer: You are looking for a church home.  You are not sure what to look for in a church. Your inquiry is noble and has eternal consequences.  You are looking in the right place, the Bible.  Some are following the Bible some are not.  May I suggest some identifying marks of the Lord's church in the Bible.  The book of Acts gives us the history of the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ.   The first gospel sermon was preached on Pentecost, A.D.33 (Acts 2)  Peter told the people to  repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38)  About three thousand were added to the church that day. (Acts 2:41)  These early Christians worshipped on the first day of each week, singing, partaking of the Lord's supper, hearing God's word proclaimed, praying and giving. Acts 2:46  Acts 20:7  I Corinthians 11:23-29 I Corinthians 16:1-2  Ephesians 5:19  Colossians 3:16

A plurality of elders and deacons were appointed in each congregation (I Timothy 3:1-13).   The elders were referred to as shepherds, bishops, pastors.  The church of the Bible has no earthly headquarters and its congregations are autonomous, that is--they are self-governing. 

Hopefully, this info will get you started in the right direction.  It you would like to have more detailed information, request it and I will send it to you.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What is the one unforgivable sin? Where can this be found?
Answer: This issue is found in Matthew 12:31-32 Jesus said, ". . . The blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men."   ". . . whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."

Blasphemy means to speak against the divine, to attribute evil to God and not to man.  To blaspheme against the Spirit is to assign his work to Satan and since the Spirit is the only agent in revelation, there remains no other means by which God can communicate with man.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

If you are so sure that women are to be silent in the church, why is it that God has called so many to preach his word?  It was a woman that carried the good news that Christ had arose.  It does not matter who the Word comes from as long as it is true.  Do you personally feel that women shouldn't preach?
Answer: Your inquiry has to do with women teaching and preaching in the assembly of the church. 

May I suggest in the very beginning that you and I have to decide if we are going to follow the Bible completely or not at all.  We cannot pick and choose what we want to accept and practice. There is no cafeteria plan when it comes to studying the Bible.   What right do we have to pick and choose the verses in Paul's writings that we wish to accept and/or reject?   On that basis the Bible becomes worthless.  It is not worth the paper it is written on.

Once again, we are reminded by Paul in I Corinthians 14:34-35 "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak." This scripture, inspired of God.   It is not my opinion or my doctrine.  It is the word of God.  I would not risk my soul in disobedience.  Would you?

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Can Satan read our minds?  Does he know what were thinking before we do it?
Answer: The Bible does not address this issue directly, but the answer is implied in two events described in the Bible.

In the temptation of Jesus by the devil, it is implied that Satan was trying to stay one step ahead of Jesus. But he was no match for Jesus and lost that debate.

The other incident involved Peter and Satan, The Lord told Peter, "Simon, Simon! Satan has asked for you. that he may sift you as wheat."  Luke 22:31 This incident hints that Satan has some supernatural powers in his wily dealings with mankind.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I am trying to find the scripture that says that God will punish those whether slave or "free" and that we shouldn't hold resentment to them; basically, don't try to punish them yourself, God will remember and take care of it His way.... secular world, says, "what goes around comes around", or that Karma-thing, but I wanted to show that it is in God's word and this is the basis of principle that I want to project to them....that it is in "God's Word"....I am a born again Christian and thanks for your reply.
Answer: As I understand your question, you are asking for a scripture that teaches that God is no respecter of persons be they slave or free.  He will bless and punish according to their deeds.  

The passage which immediately comes to mind is Ephesians 6:5-9  Other  passages for consideration are: Colossians 3:11, Galatians 3:28, and I Corinthians 12:13

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I am counseling a friend, who got saved shortly after a non-Biblical divorce.  He felt led to pray for reconciliation.  His ex-wife remarried 3 weeks ago.  She called this week to tell him that she was sorry, she now sees the true change God has made in him and wants to come home.  She said that she only remarried to get him back for the way he treated her when they were married.  God restored an amazing love for her in his heart while he was praying for reconciliation and after the remarriage has begged for God to take it away---but God will not.  What should my friend do???  If the wife's second marriage was not Biblical in the first place, would annulment be the answer?
Answer: Your inquiry has to do with a friend who became a Christian soon after a non-Biblical divorce.  To complicate matters, his wife remarried for revenge and decided, after she had seen the change in her first husband, that she would like to be reunited with him.  An additional twist in the scenario occurs when the husband has a change of heart and feels a new love for his wife. What should the friend do? 

There is no end to the most ridiculous positions man will place himself. But, we need not fear, God is near and has an answer to all our most outrageous predicaments. In the first place, the wife's second marriage was not Biblical and for that she must repent.  Here an annulment could be explored if it is permitted by the state statutes in which she lives.  The husband should forgive his wife, accept her back, and continue to live a godly life. 

A study should be made of the following scriptures:  Matthew 18:3-9  and Ephesians 5:22-33

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I was taught that if someone committed suicide, they went to Hell.  Where in the Bible does it reference this attitude?  This was a question in a psychology class and I knew what I had been taught, but not where it came from in the Bible.
The Bible does not directly nor specifically address this issue, but it does lay down some principles of life which govern our acts.  Consider the following:
1. Suicide is the murdering or destruction of self which is a violation of the principle that we have been bought with a price, therefore,
we should glorify God in our body.  I Corinthian 6:19
2.  Since suicide is murder of one's self, we disobey God's commandment to not commit murder.  Exodus 20:13
3. Suicide demonstrates a lack of faith in God.  Hebrews 11:6
For these reasons and others, I am persuaded that suicide is a sin against God.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Yesterday 17th of August, I was ordained as a deaconess, I was surprised when I was called, Could you please give me a list of the official duties of a deaconess?
Answer: Apparently, the 1st century church did not have deaconesses, since they are not mentioned in the New Testament scriptures. Deacons are mentioned only in the masculine sense as in I Timothy 3:8-13.  Sorry, I cannot help you more distinctly in this matter. I can only speak where the Bible speaks and on this matter it is silent.  Perhaps the church that appointed you a deaconess has a list of duties.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Does the Bible say that "the wedding bed is undefiled" and what does it mean?
Answer: The Bible speaks in Hebrews 13:4   "Marriage is honorable among all and the bed undefiled: but fornicators ad adulterers God will judge."  

This simply means that God approves sexual intercourse between husband and wife.  Any sexual conduct outside of marriage is condemned.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Is masturbation considered sin in any form?
Answer: This subject is not addressed directly in the Scriptures.  However, abnormal and illicit sex acts are condemned in the Bible.  Note: Romans 1:22-23

I believe that our Creator created us with certain sexual vessels to be used in the marriage relationship for reproduction and sexual fulfillment.  I cannot say it is a sin. 

Some say it is and some say it isn't.  I wish I could have been of more help to you.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I recently became an woman Evangelist. I understand why so many people don't feel women were called to preach.  I believe that some of the male ministers were not called to preach. My question is.
1. Do you think it is a sin for a women to preach?
2. The Bible says judge ye not lest ye be judged... would that not be judging a women.
3. Why just because a man say he is a minister you will not question if he was called by the LORD to preach or not you just except his word?
4. If God can talk to a man I know He will talk to me and He has. I don't feel I have to prove anything as far as bringing the word of God to his people. Me have forgot about there role as me now God plan will go on even if we happen to be women. Lastly try putting more focus on your role as men in general, most men are glad that there wife is working outside the home because of the money, but if she try to preach he'll say sit down that, not your role. I'm not going to stop preaching until the LORD tell me to.
Answer: Your central question was: Is it a sin for a woman to preach? In order to answer this question, we must establish a basis for religious (Christian) authority. Opinions are worthless. They are a dime a dozen. They are like elbows, every body has at least two of them.

Since we will be judged by the words of the Book,  the Bible, let us hear what it has to say about your question.  Paul wrote to Timothy and said, "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.  And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man but to be in silence."  I Timothy 2:11-12.

To the Corinthians he wrote, "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.  And. . . it is shameful for women to speak in church."  I Corinthians 14:34-35. 

My comment: Since women are to be silent in the assemblies of the church, they would not be doing preaching.  It is obvious from the book of Acts and the Epistles in the New Testament that women were not appointed evangelists and ministers.  May you accept  the authority of God in His Word.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Does God allow cross-cousins to marry?  His mother and my father are brother and sister. Will He bless our marriage?  Am I in sin if I'm in love with my cousin?  We have not had sexual relations.
Answer: In the Old Testament, certain marriages to near relatives were forbidden. Such marriages as to his father's wife, his sister or half-sister were unlawful. Note: Leviticus 18:6-18 To my knowledge, the scriptures do not forbid marriages between cousins.

Please review the state laws at:

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Is it right for a Pastor to get in the pulpit to tell his members what he wants them to know concerning them sinning and their lifestyle or should he call them in his office for counseling?  Also if a person offends someone knowingly, is it their Christian responsibility to go to that person and beg their forgiveness or should they walk around like nothing never happened, even though they noticed it has affected that person's spiritual growth?  Should the pastor tell you to forget about what that person has done to you and move on even when he knows that that person's spiritual growth has been affected due to unresolved issues?
Answer: Please allow me the liberty to reword your question(s) as I understand it.  Does the minister have the liberty to preach about specific individuals and their sins from the pulpit?  And, how should offenses be handled and resolved?

In the first place, it is very rude and inconsiderate to address specific individuals and their sins from the pulpit.  Personal issues must be resolved privately.  That is being Christian and professional. The Bible outlines the steps to be taken in dealing with offenses. Jesus, himself, outlines the procedure we are to take in cases of offenses. Note Matthew 18:15-17

"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector."

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I was reading thru some of the answers to questions and I got very confused when I read that some of the teachings changed after Christ was put on the cross.  I don't understand how what Christ taught during His life can be changed after Him.  It defeats the whole purpose of God sending Christ to guide humanity when humans can assume changes to what Christ taught after Christ!
Answer: You state that you are confused because some have suggested that some of the things Jesus taught prior to his death changed after his death.  My immediate response to your concern is, be confused no more.  What Jesus taught is binding on us today.  Time and time again it is indicated in Scripture that Jesus was God's ambassador while on earth.  

For example in Hebrews 1:1-2 "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these days he has spoken to us by his Son. . . ."  Again, on the mount of transfiguration, God announced to Peter, James, and John, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him."  Be assured that all the teachings of Jesus continue to be binding and relevant today.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I am about to have my first Baby.  I want to name her/him El Shaddi because in the last three years God has been doing so many miracles in my life.  I have gone thru fire and water and throughout the time I have learned the power of God and how mighty he is.  I know that He is all powerful and able to do everything.
David, the Psalmist said, "Holy and reverend is His name." Psalm 111:9  Frankly, I would not want to give my child a name that meant "Holy" or "Reverend."

For the following reasons:

1)  No being other than God deserves that name.
2) The psychological impact on the child could be devastating.
3) As the child develops toward adulthood, he/she could be the subject of harassment and chiding.

I would not recommend giving a child a name that is God's name.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I'm going through some hard time with my wife. Without getting into finger pointing, I need to read something from the Bible that would give me strength through these hard time. Could you refer me to a scripture in the Bible that could do that?
Answer: It is going to be very difficult to give you helpful scriptures not knowing the particulars of your situation. Therefore, I have to guess that you are having a very serious conflict with your wife. In that case, I would refer you to Ephesians 5:25-33 Love covers a multitude of sins (I Peter 4:8). Show love for your wife by acts that are characterized by compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, forbearance, and forgiveness. You must be patient and allow love to have its way. It never fails.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What does the Bible say about your spirit, body, and soul when you die?  I have read several scriptures that have been interpreted to me in different ways.

At this time I currently believe that when I die, I will remain in the ground until the second coming of Christ.

I would like to think that when I die, I would immediately meet Jesus. But as I understand the scriptures, this will not happen until the second coming. 



According to the plain teaching of Jesus in Luke 16, there is a resting place for the soul or spirit of man as he awaits the resurrection and the great judgment.  Both the rich man and Lazarus were in the hadeon world, but separated by a great gulf.  In Luke 23:43, Jesus referred to this place as "Paradise."; However, in Luke 16 he refers to it figuratively as "Abraham's bosom."  Speaking of Christ, Peter said in Acts 2:31 "He seeing this before spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell (hades), neither his flesh did see corruption." 
The bottom line is:
(1) Our bodies go back to the dust of the earth.  Eccl. 12:7
(2) The soul or spirit goes back to the Father. Eccl. 112:7
(3) We await the final resurrection when the soul will be united with the new body. I Corinthians 15

I wish we knew more.   But the Father has not chosen to reveal all the details and particulars. This leaves us in great anticipation and hopefulness.

Click here to view the image of what happens after you die.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What is your outlook on tithing?  Does the Lord understand if concerned of finances?  Also the widower and the last mite did she go through hard times in getting to the church?  There is a reason why I'm asking about her hard time and her background.  Hopefully you can research that for me.  Thanks in advance.
Answer: Your multiple question concerns Christian giving, tithing, and giving during hard times.

First, we will deal with "tithing".  Tithing is a Jewish provision and practice under the Old Testament Law. It is not taught in the New Testament, nor was it practiced by the first century church.

Giving the New Testament way is governed by the following passages:
1) Give according to one's income.  I Corinthians 16:2
2) Give liberally and cheerfully. II Corinthians 9:7,8
3) Give regularly.  I Corinthians 16:1,2
4) Giving is not restricted by percentage or amount.
As to giving during hard times, God expects us to give during easy and hard times. 

Note the following passages:  II Corinthians 8-9   The Macedonians were freely willing to give, had a readiness to desire it, and possessed a willing mind.  They were able to give beyond their ability to give because of these attributes.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Can you tell me if a divorced woman can marry a single man that is maybe going to be a pastor?  He is not sure if he want to, but does he have to marry first to be a pastor?  or can a pastor marry a divorced woman or a woman marry a divorced pastor?
Answer: I understand your question to be: May a man who is to be appointed a minister marry or be married to a divorced women?  

My answer is based on Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:1-12.   Here he states that the only scriptural cause for divorce is adultery or sexual infidelity.  I would say that a man may be appointed a minister who is married to a divorced women provided she divorced her first husband for the cause of adultery.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

The e-mail address of the person who asked this question kept returning to us.  

If you are reading this and wondering why we did not respond to you personally, that is the reason.

Who is speaking in Proverb 1:23-31?  Is this passage an example of excommunication attitudes?

Answer: Wisdom is personified in this text.  Wisdom becomes a person in the female gender.  She calls for the people to listen to her voice.  When the people refuse to listen, wisdom brings judgment upon them.  She says, "Because you disdained all my counsel and would have none of my rebuke, I will laugh at your calamity and mock when your terror comes."

Is wisdom demonstrating an excommunication attitude?  In the strictest meaning of "excommunication", I would say, "No".

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I'm trying to find the scripture passage that talks about is better to plant your seed in the belly of a whore then to throw it on the ground.  I've went to a lot of searches but the only thing I can find is a play the Asylum where he refers to the good book and then the phrase I quoted.  Please help if you can my son was asking.
Answer: The only passage in the Bible that relates to your inquiry is in Genesis 38:8-10

Even then, it is a misinterpretation of the passage.  Onan's brother was killed and did not have an heir to succeed him. Therefore, Judah requested that Onan go into his brother's wife and give his brother an heir.  Onan did not follow through and permitted his seed to fall on the ground. God was displeased with Onan and took his life.  

Remember, whoredom is condemned in the Bible, but the marriage bed is undefiled.  Note: Hebrews 13:4

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I recently read the book of Revelation and all it did was confuse me. I have a question about the chronological order  of the "rapture". How does things play out chronologically? Does the anti-Christ come first?   When does the dead rise? And when does the millennium take place or the Lords day? When does Jesus REALLY comes - before or after the millennium? As you can see I need someone to CLEARLY explain this to me.
Answer: Your question is concerning the chronology of events described in the book of Revelation.  Three observations are absolutely essential in understanding and appreciating the book of Revelation.
1) It was written to the Seven Churches of Asia (Ephesus, Smyrna, Sardis, Pergamos, Thyatira, Philadelphia, and Laodicea). The events and circumstances pertain to them during their times.  Any interpretation ignoring this fact will get us confused and puzzled
2) John is seeing pictures and visions which represent truth. They figurative presentations of truth and not literal.
3) Two times, at the beginning and at the end, John observes that of the contents of the book, "For the time is near."  Revelation 1:3, 10

Furthermore, any interpretation of Revelation which contradicts a plain passage of scripture is incorrect and erroneous. For example, Paul wrote the church at Thessalonica that the Lord will descend from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are alive will be caught up together with Him in the clouds and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Note: I Thessalonians 4:14-18 According to Paul's plain language, the Lord will return and gather his own without setting foot on the earth.  Nothing is said about a rapture or a thousand year reign.  The times and events in Revelation are figurative and meant for the seven churches of Asia.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What does the scripture say about silent prayer?  Is it true that God does not hear a silent prayer?
Answer: The Scriptures do not address the issue of "silent prayers."  However, the very opposite is condemned, vain repetitions. Read Matthew 6:6-8.

In I Samuel 1:9-18 we have an apparent case of a silent prayer. Hannah, who is barren, comes before the Lord in prayer.  Her lips are moving, but she is not heard by the priest, Eli.  She is heard by God and He grants her request and she has a child, Samuel.

God hears our hearts. He answers the spiritual beat of our hearts. Note: Deuteronomy 8:2

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What does God say about being a Surrogate mother?
Answer: My answer is, "Nothing."  There is no mentioning of this issue in a direct way in the Bible to my knowledge.  However, the Bible does speak of the natural course of insemination, pregnancy, and birth.  The wedding bed and the marital relationship are the arena of human reproduction.  That is according to God's plan.  Check and note these references.  They will help you in this matter.  

Hebrews 11:11; 13:4  Matthew 19:5   Ecclesiastes 11:5  John 16:21  I Timothy 2:15

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I am currently a member of a New Testament Church and I have recently become attracted to another member who is younger than me by ten years.  Neither of us has been married or had children and I was wondering what the Bible teaches about dating someone younger than you?  And does it matter if I am a girl who is the older one?
Answer: In my search of the scriptures, I find nothing about this issue. It is not addressed in the Bible.  It is true that wisdom and experience warn us that as we grow older, the ten-year difference in age could cause some relationship problems.  I would advise a continuation of the relationship and when love and commitment mature, marriage could be made.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
Answer: A good estimate would be about 100 years. This is based on the statements made in Genesis 5:32 and 7:11.  At the age of 500 years, he begot three sons (Genesis 5:32) and at the age of 600 Noah and his family entered the ark (Genesis 7:11).  Thus about 100 years.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Did Mary bear other children by Joseph after she bore Jesus?  They would be his half-brothers and sisters, and not full-blood obviously, but did they exist?  Matthew 12 and 13 mentions Mary and her sons (Jesus' brothers) but it's not really clear whether they are referring to His blood brothers or brothers in the Lord.  Thanks!
Answer: Taking the statements as recorded in Matthew 12:46-50 & 13:55-58, the normal and usual interpretation is that Jesus had physical brothers and sisters. The phrase, "His brothers," appears some nine times in the Gospels and once in Acts.  Other references are Mark 3:31-35 and Luke 8:19-21.

The evidence overwhelmingly point to the conclusion that Jesus had siblings.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

My wife and I are wondering if there is a difference between answered prayers or miracles? Is an answered prayer in fact a miracle?
Answer: According to our English dictionary, a miracle is "An event or action that contradicts known scientific laws and is thought to be an act of God."

God in times past communicated directly with man through miracles, signs and wonders.  Today, He communicants to us through his Son and the Bible which is the sword of the Holy Spirit.   Indeed God is working behind the scenes bringing about his will as he wishes.  Note these passages: Hebrews 1:1-2, II Timothy 3:14-17, and James 5:16-18

To say that a prayer answered is a miracle is going too far. However, God chooses the time, place, and method in answering our prayers.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Are racially mixed relationships OK?
Answer: The Bible does not approve nor condemn racially mixed marriages.  Paul declared "And He (God) has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth. . ." Acts 17:26

However, God has commanded that believers should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  See 2 Corinthian 6:14-18

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

The sins of our forefather are they passed down to the next generation are we to snap the chain of those sins [example] I am a male, I was conceived by rape some years latter at the age of 6 to 15 years I was sexually raped by a number of elders in the church I am now 50 years old age I broke the silence of the rape to the legal system some in the church say I was wrong to go to the courts, but I first requested to speak to elders according to Matthew but was refused so I choose the courts, one of the elders received a 7 years jail sentence, could I expect that my children could be raped, are we to break the sins of our forefathers.
Answer: Your question is, "Shall the sins of the fathers be passed on to the next generation?"  The answer is absolutely not.  A good Bible reference is Ezekiel 18:20 "The soul who sins shall die.  The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son."  Note also Romans 2:6-9

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I have a question about Job.  I would like to know his life in the Bible and part of the Bible he is located.
Answer: The answer is in the Old Testament, in the book of Job.  The book is found between the books of Esther and Psalms.  To get a picture of Job's circumstances, read chapters 1, 2, 42.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

A teen in our community recently died.  Since his death, 3 people have reported seeing him at 3 separate times.  They say it wasn't in a dream but while they were awake.  They say that he didn't say anything and it was only for a few seconds.

Also, a 6 year old (Sam) recently died.  A couple hours after his death, his 8 year old cousin (Max) asked his mom if she could feel Sam.  His mom said no.  Sam said, "I can feel him.  He is right here with us."  Max never saw Sam but later that night he again said that he could feel that Sam was there with them.

How do you explain these things?  Are these things from God or from Satan?


To summarize your inquiry, your question seems to be, "How do you explain the psychic phenomena that some people experience and are those happenings from God or Satan?

My first response is that these happenings are neither from God or Satan. God has given us a brain that at times plays "tricks" on us.  We call them psychic phenomena.  In a very strong emotional, human relationship they are frequently experienced.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I am a member of the church of Christ. Every month on the first Sunday, different congregations in our surrounding area get together to fellowship with each other. Each month, after our individual worship services at our own congregation, we travel to a different congregation to do this. At these fellowships, we have a dinner, then we listen to a message by a brother, and then we allow different song groups to get up and sing two songs a piece. Is this scriptural? Is this violating God's word in any way?
Answer: It is obvious that the New Testament church had fellowship meals. Please note: Acts 2:46. As to the singing groups, please note that Ephesians. 5:19 says, "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs...."  I see nothing unscriptural as to your activities.  The expression, "Speaking to one another" suggests that some may sing while others listen.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

My husband has a bad jealousy problem he knows it hurts me and he can't control it he does no the word of god and he knows its wrong I talked too him about it.  I'm trying my best to live a good life he had has lived a rough life people accusing of things he didn't do his ex-wife doing him wrong taking his son out of state every relationship he had been in done him terrible he met me I'm older 40 he is 28 we do love one another but he's really gotten jealous of me what can I do? I pray for him and I no he wants to stop its like he's hurting inside don't trust more everyday see his dad died when he was 13 years old could this have caused him to be this way or could there had been something terrible happened to him when he was younger I'm trying too find answers.  Maybe there's some Bible verses on a man being jealous in the Bible I cant find any could you help me Thanks.
Answer: You have asked what can you do for your husband who has a bad jealousy problem.

Two suggestions may be helpful here.
(1) Solomon wrote, "Jealousy (is) as cruel as the grave, its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame."  Song of Solomon 8:6
(2) If you are a praying person as you indicated, have your husband, hand in hand and kneel in prayer together. It is one thing to pray for each other and another thing to prayer for one another together.  Try this. It will work.

 Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Ten years ago my wife (at that time) had an affair.  Left me and then divorced me.  Two months later I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  Married three years ago to a wonderful Christian lady.  (Met her at church).  Is it possible for me to be a deacon?  I have read 1 Timothy 3 and also Matthew 19:9 but am not sure if these verses are all we should consider.  Any help on this question would be appreciated.  Thank you very much and God Bless you.  
Answer: Your question is, "Can I be appointed a deacon after a scriptural divorce and remarriage?"   You have read and studied Matthew 19 and  I Timothy 3 which are sufficient passages dealing with this issue.  I see no reason why you could not serve as a deacon.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Can you please tell where the "Garden of Eden" would have been in our present day geography.  Is is Iraq or Kuwait?
Answer: Haley, in his Bible Handbook states: ". . .the traditional and generally accepted site of the Garden of Eden is Babylon, near the mouth of the Euphrates."  In modern day geography, it would be in Iraq near the city of Baghdad.   See: Genesis 2:8-14

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I have been a believer all my life.  I've strayed away several times only to find myself back in the arms of Jesus.  My flesh hasn't always been weak, desiring worldly things.  However, I've been swamped by the secular every time I've gone back to the lord. I know he only gives us so many chances, but how will I know when he's had enough?  Moreover, how can I know if the things that I've been dealing with are just test of faith?  I really do believe that God has a work for me.  There has been so many times that he spared my life and allowed me chance after chance. But, how will I know what it is? People always come to me for advice and I feel I don't know enough to answer.  How and when will I know what he wants and how to deal with worldly and secular things?
Answer: You have asked a threefold Question.  "In what part of the Bible did God give us the right to choose between himself and Satan?  Why were we given the right to choose?  How can we know if we are on the right path?

In the Genesis account of creation, Genesis 2:16-17, it was made clear that man was created as a free moral creature for God said to Adam, "Of every tree of the garden you may eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."  Obviously, God created us with the ability to choose between right and wrong because he wanted to.  Any other answer would require knowing the mind of God. The Bible is our guide and road map.  The Psalmist said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway." If we are abiding in the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles (The New Testament) we are on the right path.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

In what part of the Bible did God give us the right to choose between himself or Satan? Why were we given the right to choose?  How can you know that you're on the right path?
Answer: You have asked a series of questions all of which cry out for a good measure of assurance and security. Their is a great feeling of assurance and security in Christ.  Spend some time reading and meditating on the following passages they will give you that feeling and knowledge of assurance.   1 John 1:4-7  2:1-5  3:1-3, 18-24  4:17-18  5:13-15

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

My wife thinks that it is OK to fantasize about another man or woman while we are having sex or while she is masturbating as this is only in her mind and not real.  I think that if you are "doing it" with someone in your mind and getting turned on by this you might as well be doing the real thing.  Your thoughts will be appreciated.
Answer: With respect to your inquiry about fantasizing having sex with another person other than your spouse, Jesus said, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Matthew 5:28       

Note two observations:
(1) What is applicable to the man is also to the woman.
(2) It is the "heart" or mind of the person that is lustful not the physical eye. That is you can be lustful without actually looking (seeing with the eye).

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

My congregation owns a building that is home to 3 small businesses. Their rental payments provide approx 1/3 our total income at the end of 2002. The rental money pay all our expenses except the preacher's salary. Is there any scriptural example or justification for this practice?
Answer: Your inquiry, "Can a church own property from which they receive rental money?" does not have an easy answer.

In the first place, the first century church did not own property according to the New Testament record. It was not until the second century that the church began to purchase and own buildings.  Determining what is expedient and not expedient must be left up to the local congregation.

However, I would not think the church should get into the real-estate and rental business.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What are the major events and occurrences in the New Testament of the Catholic Church?


I am sorry, but I cannot find the term "Catholic Church" in my Bible.

Now, if you mean the Lord's Church or the church Jesus Christ built, I can answer that question. You will have to clarify your question.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Can you please tell me where I might find in the Bible the reference to the four horsemen?  And what does it mean?


Your twofold Question.  Where are the Four Horsemen mentioned in the Bible and what do they mean is found in Revelation 6:1-8.  The four horsemen seem to represent the forces of judgment and symbolize punishment.

If the rider of the white horse represents Christ as some purpose, then the white horse symbolizes Christ's victory over his enemies.  The red horse and rider depict slaughter and destruction on the earth.  The black horse and rider represent a destructive famine. Finally, the pale horse completes the judgment of God as his natural agents of justice and vengeance.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What does the Bible say about organizations? For example, is it wrong to join the union? I have heard that it is unBiblical and I was wondering if you believed the same and if there is any scripture you could direct me to. Thanks!
Answer: Your dual question was: "What does the Bible say about organizations? For example, is it wrong to join the union?"

The union as an organization is not mentioned in the Bible.  The union as an organization of workers seeking their own welfare would not be in conflict with Scripture. However, if the union or any organization authorizes and participates in illegal activities, it is in violation of Romans 13.  In this case, a Christian should refrain from joining that organization.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What are some scriptures on the "heart"?
Answer: The word "heart" is used in Scripture to mean the seat of life or strength. It means mind, soul, spirit or one's entire emotional nature and understanding.

There are hundreds of references in the Bible.  It would be impractical to list all of them here, but I will give you a few. 

I Samuel 16:7, Psalm 51:10, Proverbs 15:13-15, Matthew 5:8, Matthew 12:34-35, and Hebrews 3:7; 4:12

These are only a sampling of the references on the "heart" as you requested.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Who slept while having surgery preformed on them?
In the Bible who slept through a hair cut?
In the Bible who slept in a ship during a storm?
In the Bible who was visited by an angel while they slept?
Who slept while having surgery preformed on them? 
Adam  (Genesis 2:21)
In the Bible who slept through a hair cut?
Samson   (Judges 16:19)
In the Bible who slept in a ship during a storm?
Jonah   (Jonah 1:4-5)
In the Bible who was visited by an angel while they slept?
Jacob (Genesis 28:16)

Cletus Stutzman, Elder
My husband and I have recently adopted a child who is 13 years old.  She has emotional issues and recently I caught her masturbating in her room.  My question is What does the Bible say about this?  "Professionals" that I have spoken to say this is very normal, and healthy.  In my opinion my child is demonstrating abnormal behaviors.  Any Biblical advice is greatly appreciated.
Answer: Your question, "What does the Bible say about masturbating?" is not mentioned in the Bible.  However, abnormal and illicit sex is condemned in the Scriptures. Note: Romans 1:22-32

It is true that children usually go through a period of sexual experimentation prior to puberty.  The danger of them having sexual experiences is the habitual development of certain acts.

My conviction is that our Father created us with certain sexual vessels to be used in the marriage relationship for reproduction and sexual fulfillment.

Your child should be advised of those facts and to refrain from such activity. I wish I could be more helpful.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Will I know my family & friends in heaven?
Answer: Your question, "Will I know my family and friends in heaven?" is a question on the lips of every Christian.

Unfortunately, the Bible does not address the answer to this inquiry directly. However there are recorded statements that support a confident answer.

For example, Jesus said in reply to the Sadducees' inquiry of the resurrection that we will be as angels and neither marrying or giving in marriage.

David Winter, in his book, HEREAFTER, writes regarding the nature of our bodies from death to the resurrection, "Is there any link, any connection at all between our earthly bodies and our changed heavenly ones?  And if not, how can there be any recognition of those we love in the life beyond death?

The answer is "Yes" and the support for this response is found in Paul's explanation of our body evolvement at the resurrection in I Corinthians 15.

Although our bodies will change at the resurrection just as Jesus' body was changed, we will continue to be our very own self with our personality and memory bank.

In answer to your question, my response is "Yes" there will be recognition in heaven but in a spiritual body and on a higher plane of existence.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Is there a Bible reference to dinosaurs prior to Adam?
Answer: There is no reference in the Bible as such. However, there is a lot of human speculation, some of which is quite wild. To deny their existence is to be as the proverbial camel with one's head stuck in the sand.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What does the Bible say about memorial services for the dead ....especially when they are done year after year...and is it mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: To my knowledge, the Bible says nothing about memorial services for the dead.   Man, through custom and tradition has devised these services.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

If a young child dies, will he or she go to heaven?  and what scripture would I use to back it up...and is there a specific scripture that refers to the age of accountability?
Answer: I would refer you to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:14 "Let the children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."  Also, see Matthew 18:1-6 As such, the age of accountability, is not mentioned in the Bible.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

Is oral sex in marriage wrong in the eyesight of God?  If yes, give Biblical references.
Answer: Your question is not an issue which the Bible addresses, therefore, we do not know how God feels about it. 

Furthermore, sex in marriage is a very private matter.  Couples will need to work out their own sexual activities.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

I know Jesus healed people instantly.  Can we physically heal people instantly like He did?  What scriptures say so?
Answer: My answer is "No." The ability to physically heal people instantly was shared by the apostles only.  Although there are some today who claim to have such power, do not because they cannot heal as Jesus healed.

It is true that one can bring about healing through prayer as it is written, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)  But this is God responding to our requests and not any power which we may exhibit.  The power to miraculously heal is in the hands of God not man.

Hopefully, this answer will be helpful.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

What and where is the Biblical source for for the first deacon and what are his responsibilities?
Answer: I would suggest the following Bible references: Acts 6:1-6, 1 Timothy 3:8-10,  Philippians 1:1 (Romans 16:1?)

In Acts 6:1-6 we have the Jerusalem church appointing seven men for a specific task to care for a group of widows.  Although these men are not described by the noun "deacon," the verb for "deaconing" describes their work in verse two. The word is most often used and translated "serving" rather than for the office of a deacon. Therefore most Bible scholars do not consider these men to be deacons.

1 Timothy 3:8-10 give the qualifications of deacons but says nothing about their duties here or elsewhere in the Bible.  In Philippians 1:1 Paul makes reference to deacons in the Philippian church.  And in Romans 16:1 we have the Greek word from which we have transliterated "deacon."  However, that's not to say that Phoebe was a "deacon."

These are all the references to "deacon" in the Bible.  And as you see the first deacon is not named and the duties of the deacon are not outlined.

Cletus Stutzman, Elder

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